I will look into your wordpress website issues and fix it. Also, I will do necessary customization

Hello,You have now come to the right place to fix your wordpress website problems or add new functionalities!
Please contact me before placing an order to discuss possible billing options. Also, read the description below carefully to know what you can expect from me.
>>What I can do:
- Fix plugin and theme bugs
- Fix short code problems
- Fix design issues (includes adding/editing custom CSS)
- Fix mobile responsive issues
- Add contents to your pages
- Remove existing content and fix design
- Create custom sliders (eg. revolution slider*)
- Adding other functionalities (eg. payment, donation, woocommerce etc.)
>>What you can expect more from me:
- Premium theme customization*
- SEO tweaking
- Speed optimization
- Social media integration (facebook, twitter, instagram etc.)
- Support and guidance
*Premium themes and plugins are not included with the package. If you need anything specific for theme and plugins with regular updates from the vendors, then you have to purchase the license on your own. You can have my guidance and assistance along the process.
>>What you need to provide:
- Your wordpress credentials
- Necessary documents and images

xuz007:Thank you for being so patient!
optimistic:Excellent provider.. by far one of the best on Fiverr.
xuz007:Thanks a lot! Would love to work with you again.
dubaigraphics:Great work again. you are Awesome!

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