Sunday 1 April 2018

I will make your wordpress website lightning fast

I will make your wordpress website lightning fast


Your website’s speed makes a major impact on whether or not your website will generation sales or leads. Speed matters to the user experience and a slow website will see a reduction in sales, leads, traffic, and potentially search rankings.  

Experts in the industry believe that every second impacts your website’s ability to convert.  It's suggested that you’ll see a drop in conversions for every second of loading beyond the initial 3.

What’s included?

BASIC (Personal)

  • Database optimization
  • Minify HTML, Minify CSS, Minify JS
  • Enabling browser caching


thinusbritz:Dan was very helpful and friendly and did an awesome job.

boomlandjenkins:Thank you! Enjoy your faster WordPress website!

wewapromotion:Nice to work with! :-)\nGreat Experience! :-)

boomlandjenkins:Thank you. Enjoy your faster WordPress website!

akeemcc:Great seller. Very knowledgeable

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