Monday 8 October 2018

I will optimize wordpress speed and improve gtmetrix, google pagespeed, pingdom score

I will optimize wordpress speed and improve gtmetrix, google pagespeed, pingdom score


450+ Positive Feedback And Happy Clients

Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix & Pingdom are best tools because we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance.

As a result, Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMatrix & Pingdom allows to optimize your website using various statistics and consequently suggests how your site is loading against the benchmark set by Yahoo & Google for a fast loading website.

I will perform this task to improve your WordPress Speed and Load Time:

  • Enabling Gzip Compression
  • Eliminate render-blocking JS & CSS files above-the-fold
  • Optimize Images
  • Leverage browsing caching
  • Minify HTML, JS, and CSS files
  • Reduce server response time
  • Minimize request file size
  • Defer Parsing of Possible JavaScript Files
  • Removal of Query Strings
  • Minimizing number of total requests
  • Database and Object Caching
  • AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages ) Integration
  • Complete Optimization using premium plugin (Save $49)

And all required works to reach 100 scores on PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix and Pingdom. Fast loading sites get more sales and generate more revenue.

Order Now & Make Your WordPress Website Crazy Fast !!!


panhavlog:very great service.

moshiur_munna:Thank you for the order, Happy to see your site loading less than 1.8s and Google PageSpeed Optimization Score Good both mobile (100/100) and desktop (99/100).

bayareadj:Wow, I am so happy right now. This gig gave me the fastest speed . I could never have done this myself. Hire this guy he will get you the best results.\nWe hired him on fiber and very happy. Thank you.

moshiur_munna:Thank you for the order, Happy to see your site loading less than 1.33s and Google PageSpeed Optimization Score Good both mobile (99/100) and desktop (97/100).

bayareadj:100\n100\n100\nHe will get you the closest to that or exceed your expectations. Don’t expect a plugin to all the work it doesn’t work like that. But my guy here will help you. I’m in California. Happy guy. Yes.

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