Saturday 25 August 2018

I will do wordpress speed optimization and speed up wordpress website

I will do wordpress speed optimization and speed up wordpress website


Boost Wordpress Loading Time & Optimize Your Site With Wordpress Speed Optimization for Google PageSpeed, GTmetrix, Pingdom and WebPageTest Scores.

40% people abandon a website which takes more than 3 Seconds to load. Google now counts website loading speed as a parameter in Search Engine Optimization.

I Will Do Wordpress Speed Optimization For Google Page Speed Grades and SEO Signals With:

» Core Wordpress Optimization. 
» Enabling Website Page Caching. 
» Enabling Browser Caching. 
» Enabling GZip Compression. 
» HTML, CSS & JS Minification. 
» JS, CSS Manual Combining. (May not work on all sites) 
» Defer Parsing of Possible JavaScript Files 
» Image Optimization
» Removal of Query Strings 
» Enabling Keep-Alive & Vary PHP headers. 
» Fixing Bad Requests. 
» Configuring ETags 
» Minimizing number of total requests. 
» Database and Object Caching. (Only on VPS & Dedicated Servers) 
» Optimizing .htaccess or nginx.conf file 
» Setting up a Content Delivery Network. (Optional) 

Order Today to make it one of the FASTEST sites! 
Any Questions? Enquire Now!


lexluthor123456:Optimized my website to 90+ score.. he is awesome

yourwebexpert:Thank you :)

evansmaraah:The service was really awsome. The guy delivered more than expected. He is friendly and really understanding

yourwebexpert:Thanks :)

smite_74:Thanks for the great work. Recommended

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