I will design, develop and customize responsive wordpress website

I am here to create, design and develop responsive wordpress website or any other CMS. I have developed websites for many agencies. I love my Freelancing Job and always focus to provide quality work to my clients.Designing, Developing, Fixing, Customization Website, PSD TO HTML - Responsive, or any other CMS Work
I can create any kind of website
- E-Commerce
- Portfolio
- Real Estate
- Directory
- Health Care
- Author site
- Business
- Reviews
- Blog
- Resume
- Automobile etc
What i can do for you?
- Install Wordpress on your domain/hosting.
- Create new site for you
- Create new site for you
- Theme installation with demo contents.
- Develop E-Store for you
What you will provide me
What you will provide me
- Cpanel & FTP Account details.
- Wordpress login details if already installed.
- Wordpress login details if already installed.
- Premium theme & demo content original files (In case of premium theme).
Why Me?
- Fast Delivery
- Customers Satisfaction
- Professional Attitude
-100% Money back guarantee
I can also help to migrate your website to new host.
I am sure you will happy with my work and loyalty. Don't waste your time just hire me
Please contact me before ordering the gig.
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